Ruya Services

Ruya Property Maintenance offers a range of services in the industry which has increased customer satisfaction. In this section you will be introduced to some of the services our company offers.


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Office Maintenance Services

When it comes to Office cleaning, make sure that all the garbage is disposed off properly. Separating Gargabe and recycle must be kept in mind. Cleaning Offices requires that you find a company you trust. Ruya is here to solve all your office maintenance problems including the following 

  • Make sure the office is clean and ready for the next day
  • Maintain a clean environment for you and your clients
  • Promote Clarity of mind and thought
  • Reduce all your Worries when it comes to office cleaning  
  • A clean office makes employess feel save and secure.

Restaurant Maintenance Services

Restaurants can be dynamic in approach in the sense that some are small and others are complex. Cleaning all the hard to reach areas requires a company that provides the right training for its employees. Restaurants that are cleaned well keep customers sitting and spending money.

    Move-in & Out Maintenance Services

    Move-out Cleaning can be sometimes challenging because many residents can leave old furniture and materials behind. Finding a dedicated and trusted team can make a very big difference.  Ruya Property Maintenance is here to give you peace of mind

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    Other  Services We Offer

    One-time Cleaning

    Commercial Cleaning

    Residential Cleaning

    Office Maintenance Services

    Commercial Building Maintenance Services

    Move in & Out Maintenance Services

    Post Construction/ Renovation Services

    Restaurant Maintenance Services

    Condo Maintenance Services

    Residential Building Maintenance

    Warehouse Maintenance

    Commercial Building Maintenance

    Private Property Maintenance

    (647) 702 - 9702

    Book a Cleaning or Customize a Plan Today